About the Software Factory

…there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns— the ones we don’t know we don’t know. …it is the later category that tends to be the difficult ones.

— Donald Rumsfield


Many commentators and professionals discuss their technology or architectural preferences, e.g., Micro-services, Functional Programming, Continuous Delivery, Agile development, Kanban, etc. We care less about specific processes or solutions at The Software Factory. Instead, we care much more about why a team should make a given choice and how they can implement those choices to guarantee efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability.

So, while we may occasionally discuss nerdy technical topics here, what makes us different from the hundreds of other software resources and consultants is that we apply a Theory of Management to the Production of Software.

Mastering software development with a team is a Systems Management problem, not a technology-choice problem.

As such, we will help you assemble a development program that meets your goals in measurable ways. We define success criteria, show you what questions to ask of your team, your process, and your technology choices, and identify the correct metrics and KPIs that enable you to weigh the cost of different investments.

About Me

James Dixson's Photo

My name is James Dixson, and I have been a technology leader, executive, and coach of software teams for 30 years.

I have worked in multiple different sectors, including carrier-class telecommunications, VoIP, SaaS, enterprise applications, bespoke hardware and server appliances, IoT/IIoT, manufacturing, industrial control systems, machine learning and AI, data analysis and visualization, real-time video streaming, mobile apps, e-commerce, and consumer electronics.

I am not afraid to roll up my sleeves and dig into the details. I love helping teams become the best they can be.